Prepare a container filled with kerosene.
Prepare the rubber hoses, and connect them to the pump fittings.
Connect a suitable pressure gauge to the outlet hose as shown.
- Fuel Pump [A]
- Pressure Gauge [B]
- Outlet Hose [C]
- Inlet Hose [D]
- Fuel Filter [E]
- Kerosene [F]
- 2-Pin Connector [G]
- Battery [H]
- Auxiliary Leads [I]
Connect the pump leads to the battery using auxiliary wires as shown.
★ If the pump operates, check the pump relay.
★ If the pump does not operate, the pump is defective.
★ If the pump operates and the pump relay is normal, close the outlet hose while operating the fuel pump.
When the pump stops, read the pressure gauge.
★ If the pressure gauge reading is out of the specified pressure, the pump is defective.
Fuel pump pressure. Standard: 11-16 kPa (0.11-0.16 kg/cm2, 1.6-2.3 psi)