1. Remove the engine from the frame (see page 10.2).
2. Remove the fixings securing the gear position sensor to the torsional damper shaft housing.
3. Withdraw the sensor and collect its O-ring.
1. Gear position sensor; 2. O-ring
4. Release the bolts securing the damper shaft housing to the crankcases.
Caution! The torsional damper shaft assembly is often a tight fit in the crankcase. Never level or force implements between the crankcase and housing as this will damage both components. Gently use a soft-faced mallet to ease the components apart.
5. Withdraw the damper shaft assembly.
6. Collect the gear position indicator shaft from inside the crankcase, taking care to not drop the spring and plunger from its outer end.
1. Gear position indicator shaft
1. Place a new torsional damper shaft housing gasket over the crankcase.
Note: The gear position indicator shaft can also be fitted after installing the torsional damper shaft housing.
2. Install the gear position indicator shaft, engaging the inner drive slot with the selector drum.
3. Locate the damper assembly to the crankcases and push fully home, engaging the meshing gears as you do so.
4. Fit and tighten the damper housing bolts to 28 Nm.
5. Fit a new O-ring to the gear position sensor. Lubricate the O-ring with petroleum jelly.
6. Fit the gear position sensor and tighten its fixings to 9 Nm.