Warning! The front forks comprise of many precision machined parts. Total cleanliness must be observed at all times and assembly must take place in a dirt/dust-free environment. Dirt ingress may cause damage to the fork parts, leading to incorrect operation, instability, loss of motorcycle control and an accident.
Fork inner tube and outer tube assembly
1. Lubricate the oil seal, upper and lower bushes for the inner tube with clean fork oil.
2. Install T3880642 - Fork Seal Guide/Protector to the fork inner tube. Ensure the tool is not damaged and that it covers the bush groove fully.
1. Fork inner tube; 2. T3880642 - Fork Seal Guide/Protector
3. Slide a new dust seal on to the fork inner tube as noted for removal.
4. Slide the circlip and a new oil seal on to the fork inner tube as noted for removal.
5. Slide the washer and a new lower bush onto the inner tube.
6. Remove T3880642 - Fork Seal Guide/Protector from the fork inner tube.
7. Fit a new upper bush to the fork inner tube.
1. Upper bush; 2. Lower bush; 3. Washer; 4. Oil seal; 5. Circlip; 6. Dust seal; 7. Fork inner tube
8. Insert the fork inner tube assembly into the fork outer tube.
9. Using the narrow end of T3880003 - Front Fork Seal Installer, guide the lower bush, washer and oil seal into place.
1. T3880003 - Front Fork Seal Installer; 2. Oil seal; 3. Fork inner tube; 4. Fork outer tube
10. Secure the oil seal in position with the circlip, ensuring it is correctly located in its groove.
11. Position the dust seal to the outer tube.
12. Invert T3880003 - Front Fork Seal Installer and, using hand pressure only, push the dust seal squarely into the outer tube.
1. T3880003 - Front Fork Seal Installer; 2. Dust seal
13. Return the fork to an upright position, with the lower end of the fork inner tube secure in T3880171 - Fork Holding Tool.
Fork top cap installation
- The left hand and right hand fork leg assemblies differ internally, with the left fork leg containing an adjustable preload assembly and the right fork leg containing an adjustable damping assembly.
- Before installing the left hand (preload adjuster) top cap, ensure the preload adjuster rod is correctly located in the joint rod as noted during removal.
- Before installing the right hand (damping adjuster) top cap, ensure both adjuster rods are correctly located in the joint rod as noted during removal.
1. Preload assembly joint rod; 2. Preload adjuster rod; 3. Damping assembly joint rod; 4. Outer damping adjuster rod; 5. Inner damping adjuster rod
1. If removed, fit a new O-ring to the top cap.
2. Position the fork top cap to the joint rod ensuring that the adjuster rod(s) are located correctly to the top cap.
3. Screw the top cap fully onto the joint rod.
4. Hold the top cap while tightening the lock nut to 27.5 Nm.
- Refill the fork with new oil (see Fork oil change - oil refilling).