1. Alignment hole; 2. Outer drum
2. Position the clutch outer drum assembly to the input shaft and align the oil pump drive pegs with the corresponding holes in the rear of the clutch outer drum.
1. Clutch outer drum; 2. Oil pump sprocket drive pegs; 3. Oil pump drive holes
3. While holding the clutch outer drum in position and ensuring correct engagement with the oil pump drive, refit the bearing sleeve and bearing.
1. Outer drum; 2. Bearing sleeve
Note: When the bearing sleeve is correctly fitted, it will be a flush fit with the clutch drum face.
4. Fit the thrust washer to the shaft.
5. Fit the clutch inner drum.
6. Fit the flat washer, ensuring it is centralised on the shaft and not resting in the relief groove on the gearbox input shaft.
1. Gearbox input shaft; 2. Flat washer; 3. Relief groove
7. Fit a new Belleville washer (OUT mark facing outwards), and fit a new centre nut.
1. Centre nut; 2. Belleville washer; 3. Flat washer; 4. Inner drum; 5. Thrust washer
8. Lock the inner and outer drums together using T3880307 - Clutch Anti-rotation Jig. Depress the rear brake pedal to prevent the engine turning, and tighten the centre nut to 98 Nm. Remove the clutch anti-rotation tool.
1. T3880307 - Clutch Anti-rotation Jig
9. Disengage second gear and check for free rotation of the clutch inner drum.
10. Using a suitable pin punch, stake the nut to the shaft.
11. Coat all clutch friction plates in clean engine oil before fitting the friction plates, steel plates, anti-judder spring and anti-judder seat washer to the clutch basket in the same order and orientation as noted during removal.
Note: The inner and the two outermost friction plates are different to the other friction plates. They must be fitted in their noted positions. The outer steel plate is different to the other plates. It must be fitted in its noted position.
1. Outer friction plate; 2. Steel plate; 3. Anti-judder spring; 4. Anti-judder seat washer; 5. Clutch inner drum
12. Refit the clutch pull-rod.
13. Fit the pressure plate. Ensure that the spring seats are fitted into the pressure plate as noted for removal.
14. Fit the springs and stopper plate, ensure that the OUT mark on the stopper plate is facing outwards. Secure with the bolts and tighten to 10 Nm.
1. Bolts; 2. Stopper plate; 3. Springs; 4. Spring seats; 5. Pressure plate
Note: The pull-rod should be free to move in and out and also it should be free to turn.
Perform the following operations: