Spark plug removal
- Fuel Tank (see Fuel tank removal in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
- Spark Plug Caps [A]
Remove the spark plug using the plug wrench vertically.
- Special Tool - Spark Plug Wrench, Hex16: 57001-1262
Caution! The insulator [A] of the spark plug may break if when the wrench is inclined during loosening.
- [B] Inclined Spark Plug Wrench
- [C] Contact (Spark Plug and Plug Wrench)
- [D] Bad
- [E] Vertically Spark Plug Wrench
- [F] Good
Spark plug installation
Insert the spark plug in the plug hole, and finger-tighten it first.
Using the plug wrench [A] vertically, tighten the plug.
Caution! The insulator of the spark plug may break if when the wrench is inclined during tightening.
- Special Tool - Spark Plug Wrench, Hex16: 57001-1262
- Torque - Spark Plugs: 18 N·m (1.8 kgf·m 13 ft·lb)
Install the spark plug caps securely.
Be sure the spark plug caps are installed by pulling up it lightly.