- Bearings
- Bearing races
Recommended cleaning solvent «Kerosene».
2. Check:
- Bearings "1"
- Bearing races "2"
Damage/pitting → Replace.
3. Replace:
- Bearings
- Bearing races
- a. Remove the bearing races "1" from the steering head pipe with a long rod "2" and hammer.
- b. Remove the bearing race from the lower bracket "3" with a floor chisel "4" and hammer.
- c. Install a new dust seal and new bearing races.
Notice: If the bearing race is not installed properly, the steering head pipe could be damaged.
- Always replace the bearings and bearing races as a set.
- Whenever the steering head is disassembled, replace the rubber seal.
4. Check:
- Upper bracket
Refer to "Handlebars".
- Lower bracket (along with the steering stem). Bends/cracks/damage → Replace.