Support the vehicle by means of the engine service stand and a hoist with belts fastened to the rear section of the frame.
Remove the rear service stand.
Undo and remove the two lower swingarm screws.
Remove the cable guide.

Slide off the rear calliper holding plate, keeping it linked to the brake pipe.

Caution! Do not actuate on the rear brake lever after removing the wheel. otherwise, the calliper plungers could go out of their seat, resulting in brake fluid leakage.
With the specific box-spanner, unscrew and remove the locking ring nut.

Working from the left side, unscrew and remove the nut and collect the washer.

- Removal should be carried out with utmost caution.
- Support the swingarm from the front to avoid accidental falls.
- Place a wooden support under the front part of the rear swingarm to prevent it from lowering and to keep it upright.
Working on the right side, unscrew and remove the swingarm bolt.

Caution! Upon removing the rear swingarm pay attention not to jam the gearing chain.

See also specifications for this operation.