Place the motorcycle on its main (centre) stand.
Caution! Do not allow brake fluid to come into contact with painted parts of the motorcycle, because brake fluid destroys paint.
Drain the rear brake system.

Disengage piston thrust rod (1).
Remove the piston thrust rod complete with sealing boot (2).
Carefully force back the brake piston.
Remove the circlip.
Use pliers to remove the brake piston.

Remove spring (4) with insert (3).
Caution! Note the washer between the brake piston and the boot.
Remove front boot (5).
Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure: pay particular attention to the following.
Caution! Sealing lip of the boot toward the pressure chamber.
Note: Replace O-ring (6) prior to installation.
Install new front boot.
Prior to installation, coat the brake piston and the boots with the assembly fluid supplied.
Lightly grease the thrust rod with Shell Retinax A.
Fill and bleed the brake system.