Technical data of ignition system Ignition system Type Fully transistorised ignition integrated in BMS. Inductive sensor Ω 190 -300 Ignition Ignition system BMS (mapped characteristic control) Speed governing rpm 7500 Ignition coil Primary coil mΩ 500±50 Starter motor Type Permanent...
Removing ignition magnet Caution! Never disconnect plug connection on ignition system while engine is running. Removing right engine housing cover Remove fasteners of cable cover (1). Disconnect the plug of the stator (4) from connector (2). Disconnect the plug of ignition...
Installing magnet wheel Caution! Tapers on crankshaft and magnet hub and hex nut must be clean and free of grease. Apply a thin coat of Loctite 648 to the magnet hub taper. Oil freewheel in freewheel housing. Slide magnet wheel (8) onto crankshaft: woodruff key and keyway...
Removing/installing starter motor Caution! Disconnect the negative battery cable first, then the positive cable. Disconnect the battery. Disconnect positive cable (1). Remove fastener (2) from engine block and remove starter. Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure: pay...
Disassembling/assembling starter motor Remove necked-down bolts (9). Remove armature bearing cover (8) complete with brush-holder plate (6). Note: Note thrust washers (2). Remove fastener of positive contact (7), lift out brush holder and replace carbon brushes if necessary. Remove front...
Replacing ignition lead Remove left, right and centre covers. Remove the battery. Remove the intake air silencer together with the intake air pipe. Remove the fastener for the intake air silencer from the oil tank. Remove the fasteners for the intake air silencer from the...
Removing/installing ignition coil Remove left, right and centre covers. Remove the battery. Remove the intake air silencer together with the intake air pipe. Remove the fastener for the intake air silencer from the oil tank. Remove the fasteners for the intake air silencer from the...