2. Remove: final drive oil drain bolt
3. Drain: final drive oil (from the final drive assembly)
4. Measure: ring gear backlash
Out of specification → Adjust.
- Ring gear backlash: 0.1-0.2 mm
a. Install a bolt (1) of the specified size, into the final drive oil filler hole.
b. Finger tighten the bolt until it stops the ring gear from moving.
Note: Do not overtighten the bolt.
c. Install the final gear backlash band (2) and dial gauge (3).
(a) Dial-gauge-plunger contact point: 54.5 mm
- Final gear backlash band: 90890-01230
d. Gently rotate the gear coupling from engagement to engagement.
e. Record the reading on the dial gauge.
f. Remove the dial gauge, special tool, and bolt.
g. Rotate the final drive pinion gear 90°.
h. Reinstall the bolt, special tool, and dial gauge.
i. Repeat steps (d) to (h) three more times (for a total of four measurements).
j. If any of the readings are over specification, adjust the ring gear backlash.