- When inspecting the IC igniter [A], observe the following to avoid damage to the IC Igniter.
- Do not disconnect the IC igniter with the ignition switch on.
- This may damage the IC igniter.
- Do not disconnect the battery leads while the engine is running. This may damage the IC igniter.
Operation check
Remove the seats (see Frame chapter).
Disconnect the IC igniter left side connector [А].
Set the Hand Tester [B] to the x 25 V DC range, and using two auxiliary wires, connect it to the connector come from harness side as follows.
- Tester (+) terminal [C] → BR/W lead
- Tester (-) terminal [D] → BK/Y lead
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Turn the ignition switch on, and read the voltage.
IC Igniter Operation Voltage: Battery Voltage
★ If the tester reading is not specified one, check the battery voltage, ignition switch and ignition fuse.