Change the transmission gear to the first position and set the side stand to «ON» position.
Set the Hand Tester [A] to the x 25 V DC range, and connect it to the junction box [B] lead as follows.
- Hand Tester (+) Terminal [C] → G/BK Lead
- Hand Tester (-) Terminal [D] → Frame Ground
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Turn the ignition switch on and push the starter button.
Read the voltage.
Side Stand Switch Operation Voltage: 6-13.4 V
★ If the tester reading is not specified one, check the side stand switch, starter lock out switch, gear position sensor and starter circuit relay.
★ If the tester reading is correct, check the following.
Grasp the clutch lever, and start the engine.
Side stand - «ON≈ position, transmission gear-first position
Release the clutch lever slowly.
★ If the engine does not stop after releasing the clutch lever fully, the IC igniter is defective.
Note. О Some inspections as to the IC igniter are operated, but the cause of troubles may be not able to clear enoughly. If the cause of troubles are not cleared in described inspections, replace the IC igniter with a new one.
Caution! Use only Hand Tester 57001-1394 for this test. A tester other than the Kawasaki Hand Tester may show different readings. If a megger or a meter with a large-capacity battery is used, the IC igniter will be damaged.