2. Disconnect the battery, negative (black) lead first.
3. Remove the engine as described on page 10.2.
4. Release the bolts securing the starter motor to the alternator cover.
1. Starter motor; 2. Starter motor fixings; 3. Alternator cover
5. Release the bolts securing the alternator cover to the rear of the engine.
6. Withdraw the alternator cover from the crankcase.
Note: To use tool T3880201, insert the tool pegs into a pair of rotor holes. However, tool T3880201 will not engage with every pair of holes in the rotor. The holes are offset and so the tool will only engage with certain pairs of holes.
7. To remove the rotor, prevent the crankshaft from rotating using tool T3880201, and remove the centre bolt and washer from the end of the crankshaft.
1. Rotor; 2. Rotor bolt; 3. Tool T3880201
8. Screw tool T3880200 into the rotor centre.
9. Prevent the rotor from turning using tool T3880201 while tightening tool T3880200. This will release the taper seating of the rotor to the crankshaft.
1. Rotor; 2. Tool T3880200; 3. Tool T3880201
10. Withdraw the rotor and tool as an assembly and then separate the tool from the rotor.
Note: If removing the stator, make a note of the cable routing before removing the cable retainer.
11. To remove the stator, release the two bolts securing the cable retainer to the crankcase.
1. Cable retainer; 2. Bolts
12. Release the three bolts securing the stator to the crankcase.
1. Stator; 2. Stator bolts
13. Withdraw the stator from the crankcase.