Note. The operations described below apply to both fork legs.
Remove the stanchion tubes-sliders; see 7.10.2.
Clean the stanchion tubes-sliders thoroughly.
Note. Make sure to have a container having a capacity greater than 430 cu. cm. ready at hand before proceeding.
Place the slider in a vice with soft jaws.
- The stanchion-and-slider assembly contains oil.
- Do not turn it over or tilt it during removal.
Undo the top cap (1) carefully. Be sure not to damage the O-ring when removing the cap.
Push the stanchion into the slider to give access to the two half-rings (2). Extract the half-rings.
Extract the spring washer (3).
Drain the oil into the container.
Grasp the slider and pull firmly to separate slider and stanchion.
Note. Take care not to damage the slider inner seating surface during removal of the different components.
Lever with a flat-blade screwdriver to remove the dust seal (4).
Use a small screwdriver to remove the retaining ring (5) from inside the slider.
Extract the oil seal (6) with the aid of a large screwdriver.
Slide out the guide bush cap (7) from inside the slider.
Tap the end of the slider firmly on a wooden bench to
knock out the slide bushes (8) and the spacer (9).
- Keep the slider at right angles to the bench while tapping.
- If the bushes are a tight fit in the slider, use a bush extractor, but be careful not to scratch the slider inner surface.