Inspect the components; see 7.10.5.
- Take care to prevent the ingress of dirt into slider and stanchion.
- Never reuse the oil you have drained from the fork.
Note. Apply a light film of fork oil to the bushes and seals before assembly.
Insert the slide bush (1) and push into the slider using the spacer (2).
Insert the other slide bush (3). Push into place in the slider using a drift of adequate size.
Insert the guide bush cup (4) into the slider and push it into contact with slide bush (3).
Lubricate the oil seal (5).
Push the oil seal (5) into contact with the guide bush cap (4). The concave side of the seal must be facing into the slider.

Fit the following components to the stanchion in the order:
- dust seal (6);
- retaining ring (7);
Place the stanchion in a vice with soft (aluminium) jaws.
Fit the slider to the stanchion.
Install the retaining ring (7) and dust seal (6) so that they become seated into the slider.

Pour fork fluid into the slider.
Oil quantity: 430±2.5 cu cm.
Note. Oil level must be the same in both fork legs.
Insert the spring cup (8) and the two half-rings (9) into their seats on the damping cylinder rod.
Lift the slider.
Make sure the O-ring is in place on the top cap (10).
Screw the top cap (10) onto the slider and tighten.