The Honda CB400SF motorcycle is equipped with an automatic ignition shut-off system linked to the side stand. If the side stand is extended, the engine cannot be started until the transmission is in neutrahp the side stand retracted, the engine can be started either in neutral or in ground gear with the clutch lever depressed. If the engine is started with the side stand extended, engaging a gear will stop the engine.
When starting a cold engine, extend the starter lever and do not operate the electric starter for more than 5 seconds. Before the next attempt, release the starter button for about 10 seconds. Otherwise, the electric starter may fail. A serviceable engine with a fully charged battery starts from the very first revolutions of the crankshaft.
After starting the engine, the oil pressure warning lamp should go out after 1-2 seconds. If the control lamp continues to burn, stop the engine immediately and check the oil level.
Attention! Running the engine with insufficient engine oil pressure can result in engine failure.
If the engine fails to start after several attempts, the combustion chambers may «flooded» excess fuel. To start the engine, it is worth performing the following operations:
- 1. Leave the emergency shutdown button in the working position (Run).
- 2. Fully open the throttles by turning the control handle all the way towards you.
- 3. Press the starter switch for 5 seconds.
- 4. Follow the normal startup procedure.