Replace the washers that are on each side of hose fitting with new ones.
Tighten the caliper mounting bolts and banjo bolt.
Caliper Mounting Bolts (Front): 34 N·m (3.5 kg·m, 25 ft·lb)
Caliper Mounting Bolts (Rear): 25 N·m (2.5 kg·m, 18.0 ft·lb)
Brake Hose Banjo Bolt: 25 N·m (2.5 kg·m, 18.0 ft·lb)
Check the fluid level in the brake reservoirs.
Bleed the brake line (see Bleeding the Brake Line).
Check the brake for good braking power, no brake drag, and no fluid leakage.
Warning! Do not attempt to drive the motorcycle until a full brake lever or pedal is obtained by pumping the brake lever or pedal until the pads are against the disc. The brakes will not function on the first application of the lever or pedal if this is not done.