Front wheel
Check every 4000 km (2485 mi).
Place the vehicle on the front wheel stand; see 1.7.1.
Rotate the wheel manually in both directions.
The wheel should be spinning smoothly, with no hardness or unusual noise. If not so, change the bearings; see 7.5.3.
If you detect any wobble, inspect wheel and affected components; see 7.5.4.
A spinning wheel that always stops in exactly the same position needs balancing.

Rear wheel
Check every 4000 km (2485 mi).
Place the vehicle on the rear wheel stand; see 1.7.2.
Rotate the wheel manually in both directions.
The wheel should be spinning smoothly, with no hardness or unusual noise. If not so, change the bearings; see 7.6.3.
If you detect any wobble, inspect wheel and affected components; see 7.6.5.
A spinning wheel that always stops in exactly the same position needs balancing.