Coat the master piston and piston cups with clean DOT 4 brake fluid.
Replace the piston, spring, snap ring and boot as a set; do not substitute individual parts.
Install the spring onto the primary piston cup.
Install the spring/primary piston cup into the master cylinder.
Do not allow the piston cup lips to turn inside out.

Install the pushrod/piston into the master cylinder.
Install the snap ring using the special tool.
Tool: Snap ring pliers 07914-SA50001.

Be certain the snap ring is firmly seated in the groove.
Install the piston boot to the groove on the rear master cylinder body.

If the pushrod is reinstalled, adjust the pushrod length so that the distance from the center of the master cylinder rear mounting bolt hole to the center of the joint pin hole is 65 mm (2.6 in).
After adjustment, tighten the lock nut to the specified torque.
Torque: 18 N·m (1.8 kgf·m, 13 lbf·ft).