Removing, disassembling, reassembling and installing rear wheel drive Remove rear wheel. See Group 36 . Remove the inductive signal transmitter. See Group 61 . Remove the brake caliper. See Group 34 . Remove the rear wheel brake caliper and, fasten to the rear frame with the inductive sensor using a cable tie. Remove...
Removing rear wheel drive Caution: Do not lay oil-filled rear-wheel drive on its side prior to installation, as this will cause oil to escape when the motorcycle is on the road (suction effect). Unscrew the oil filler plug (1). Remove oil drain plug (2) and drain oil into a...
Replacing taper roller bearing in rear wheel drive Caution: Do not damage the mating faces on the housing. Pull out needle roller bearing (1) with reaction support, BMW No. 008 572, and internal puller, BMW No. 008573. Note: Use temperature measuring device, BMW No.001 900, to check heat rise. Heat...
Removing input bevel pinion Use a tyre lever or similar tool to force off the rear drive shaft (3). Unscrew tensioning strap (2) and pull off the flexible gaiter. Note: Note circlip (4) at rear drive shaft. Replace circlip (4) if necessary. Screw rear wheel drive centrally to...
Disassembling input bevel pinion Clamp input bevel pinion (1) into vise with protective jaws (splines facing upwards). Using puller, BMW No. 00 7 500, pull off both bearings at the same time. Take off radial-thrust bearing (6), roller bearing cage (5), outer race (4) and inner race...
Assembling input bevel pinion Note: Clean the threads of the input bevel pinion prior to assembly. Heat the inner race (2) to 100°C (212°F) and push onto input bevel pinion (1) until seated. Slide outer race (3) together with roller cage (4) onto inner race (2). Note: Do not...
Installing input bevel pinion Note: Clean the threads in the housing neck prior to assembly. Secure the housing centrally in holder, BMW No. 331510, using bearing stud (3). Caution: Make sure that the grub screws do not project as otherwise the neck of the housing could be...
Removing crown wheel Remove housing cover (2). Remove shim(1). Heat housing cover (2) to max. 80°C (176°F) and remove from crown wheel (5). Drive shaft sealing ring (3) from the inside out of housing cover (2) with a suitable drift. Clamp crown wheel (5) into vise with...
Installing crown wheel Heat the housing to 80°C (176°F). Insert outer race (1) into bearing seat with drift, BMW No. 23 4 670, and handle, BMW No. 00 5 500. Check that outer race is correctly fitted by tapping it gently. Note: If new parts are installed (e.g. taper roller...
Checking/adjusting backlash Position measuring fixture (3), BMW No. 33 2 600, with dial gauge, BMW No. 00 2 510, on crown wheel (4) and secure to housing by means of screw (1). Secure measuring arm (2), BMW No. 33 2 604, centrally to crown wheel (4). Note: Check tooth backlash...
Checking tooth contact pattern Note: The tooth contact pattern must be checked if the gear set, housing or input bevel pinion bearing has been replaced. The contact pattern is adjusted by means of the shim washer (1) on the input bevel pinion. Use measuring fixture, BMW No. 33 2...
Shimming housing cover In order to obtain the correct taper roller bearing preload, the housing cover must be correctly shimmed. Using depth gauge, measure distance "a". Place measuring ring, BMW No. 332601, in position and secure. Measure from the outer ball bearing race...
Installing housing cover Lightly oil the shaft sealing ring (1). Using drift, BMW No. 33 1 860, and handle, BMW No. 00 5 500, drive in shaft sealing ring (1). Caution: Do not overheat shaft sealing ring and cordring seal. Lightly oil or grease cordring seal and install....
Installing rear drive shaft Coat teeth of drive pinion with Optimoly MP 3. Place the rear drive shaft on the input pinion. Caution: Make sure that the circlip is correctly seated in the drive shaft. Snap the circlip into position by striking the rear drive shaft lightly with a...
Installing rear wheel drive Coat splines of rear universal shaft (1) with Optimoly MP 3. Caution: Make sure that the inner race never presses against the ends of the needles. Install the inner races (arrows) of the left and right needle roller bearings with a small quantity of...
Removing, disassembling, reassembling and installing rear swinging arm Removing rear swinging arm Remove the right and left front and rear footrest plates. See Group 46 . Remove left trim panel and battery cover. See Group 46 . Remove exhaust system. See Group 18 . Remove rear wheel. See Group 36 . Remove the inductive...