The layout of the elements of the ignition system: 1 - control lamp of the side stand; 2 - switch (lock) ignition; 3 - emergency engine switch; 4 - ignition coils; 5 - electronic engine control unit; 6 - battery; 7 - side stop sensor; 8 - start inhibit switch; 9 - breaker (Hall Sensor); 10 - spark plug
The electrical circuit of the ignition system: 1 - control lamp of the side stand; 2 - switch (lock) ignition; 3 - emergency engine switch; 4 - side stop sensor; 5 - battery; 6 - spark plugs; 7 - ignition coils; 8 - clutch switch; 9 - electronic engine control unit; 10 - interrupter; 11 - start inhibit switch