Spark plugs should be replaced every 10,000 km.
Attention! Candles are replaced only as a set.
Attention! If the motorcycle engine was running just before changing the spark plugs, be careful, the spark plugs are hot! It is better to replace it when the engine has cooled down.
Advice. In order not to confuse high-voltage wires in places, we recommend that you carry out all operations for one candle and only then proceed to the next one.
1. Remove the high-voltage wire from the spark plug.
2. Using a tubular thin-walled key or a 16 mm candle head, turn the candle out and remove it from the well.
Attention! In order to make it more convenient to turn out and screw in the spark plug of the third cylinder, it is recommended to remove the filler cap of the cooling system.
3. Before installing new candles with a round probe, we check the gap between the electrodes, if necessary, bend the side electrode, correct it. The gap should be 0.8-0.9 mm.
Attention! To check the gap between the spark plug electrodes, use only a round feeler gauge; if you use a flat feeler gauge, the measurement will be inaccurate. Do not bend the center electrode!
4. Install a new spark plug in the spark plug wrench, lower it into the well and screw it in by hand until it stops (without the help of any collars). It is important that the candle goes along the thread without distortions.
5. We tighten the new candle, turning it with a knob by 180-270°. If a candle that has already been in use is installed, then we tighten it by turning it 30-45°. The difference in tightening methods for new and used spark plugs is that during the initial tightening of the spark plug, its o-ring is flattened (the tightening torque of the spark plugs is 35 Nm).
6. Install the tip on the candle.
7. Repeat operations 1-6 for the rest of the candles.