Caution! Before fitting the oil pump to the crankcase ensure the pump internal surfaces have been wetted with clean engine oil. The pump may fail to pick-up oil from the sump if the surfaces have not been wetted. This will cause the engine to run without engine oil pressure and will lead to severe engine damage.
1. Install a new O-ring to the inlet sleeve on the water pump body.
2. Fill the oil pump with new engine oil, turning the pump rotor as the oil is poured in to ensure all surfaces are coated with oil.
3. Position the oil pump to the crankcase and insert the water pump inlet sleeve into the opening in the crankcase.
4. Fit the oil pump to the crankcase, ensuring the oil pump dowel correctly locates into the bolt hole in the crankcase.
Caution! Do not use excessive force to insert the dowel into the crankcase. Severe dowel or crankcase damage may result from the use of excessive force.
5. Using a suitable pin punch, gently tap the dowel downwards into the crankcase until it seats.
6. Feed the drive chain over the transmission input shaft and fit to the sprocket.
7. Fit the drive chain to the sprocket on the oil pump.
8. Support the oil pump drive sprocket and carefully refit the needle roller bearing.
1. Needle roller bearing; 2. Oil pump drive sprocket
9. Refit the oil pump drive chain cover to the oil pump and fit new fixings. Tighten the fixings to 12 Nm.
1. Oil pump; 2. Fixings; 3. Drive chain cover
10. Refit the oil pump drive chain guide. Install new fixings and tighten to 10 Nm.
1. Oil pump drive chain guide; 2. Fixings
11. Install a new O-ring to the coolant inlet elbow and position the elbow to the water pump inlet. Fit a new bolt and tighten to 12 Nm.
1. Coolant inlet elbow; 2. Fixing
12. Install four new O-rings to the coolant outlet pipe as shown in the illustration below.
1. O-rings; 2. Coolant pipe
13. Position the coolant pipe through the crankcase and fit two new O-rings to the pipe.
1. O-rings; 2. Coolant pipe
14. Align the pipe to the water pump and using a suitable punch, carefully tap the raised ring on the pipe to engage it fully into the water pump.
1. Coolant pipe; 2. Raised ring; 3. Water pump
15. Install a new O-ring to the oil pick-up and refit the oil pick-up. Fit new bolts and tighten to 12 Nm.
16. Install two new O-rings to the oil transfer pipe and refit the oil transfer pipe. Fit new bolts and tighten to 10 Nm.
Perform the following operations: