- Make sure the motorcycle is stabilised and adequately supported.
- A correctly supported motorcycle will help prevent it from falling.
- An unstable motorcycle may fall, causing injury to the operator or damage to the motorcycle.
Perform the following operations:
1. Release the seven fixings and remove the right hand crankcase cover. Discard the gasket.

1. Fixings
2. Remove the spark plugs to reduce compression resistance when turning the engine.
Note: The camshaft sprocket fixings need only be loosened sufficiently to allow the sprockets to rotate on the camshafts.
3. Loosen the two camshaft sprocket fixings. Do not remove the fixings at this stage.

1. Fixings
Note: While rotating the crankshaft, ensure that the front camshaft drive chain rubbing blade remains in its mounting.
4. Rotate crankshaft until the remaining two fixings are accessible.
Caution! Do not rotate the engine further once the four camshaft sprocket bolts have been loosened. Rotation of the engine with the four sprocket bolts loose will result in valve to piston contact and serious engine damage.
5. Loosen the two remaining camshaft sprocket fixings. Do not remove the fixings at this stage.
Note: Note the orientation of the tensioner before removal.
6. Evenly release the camshaft drive chain tensioner mounting bolts until the plunger spring tension has been released.
7. Remove the tensioner and discard the O-ring and gasket.
8. Note the orientation of the camshaft ladder in relation to the head.
9. Progressively release the bolts securing the camshaft ladder to the head in the sequence shown below.

Camshaft ladder bolt release sequence
10. Remove the camshaft ladder and top pad, and collect the dowels (if loose) and spark plug tower O-rings.
Note: Each camshaft and sprocket is removed as an assembly.
11. Lift the camshaft drive chain from the inlet camshaft sprocket and remove the inlet camshaft.
12. Lift the camshaft drive chain from the exhaust camshaft sprocket and remove the exhaust camshaft.

1. Camshaft drive chain; 2. Inlet camshaft
13. For the removal of the camshaft drive chain (see Camshaft drive chain - removal).
14. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise (the normal direction of rotation), using the bolt fitted to the end of the crankshaft. Stop rotation when number 1 cylinder is at Top Dead Centre (TDC), that is when the dot mark on the primary gear aligns with the line on the crankcase.
Note: Before inserting the timing pin, ensure the dot on the primary gear is aligned with the line on the crankcase.
15. Insert the T3880601 - Camshaft Timing Pin into the timing holes in the crankcase and crankshaft.

1. Dot mark; 2. Marker line; 3. T3880601 - Camshaft Timing Pin; 4. Timing hole in crankcase
16. At this stage the camshafts and sprockets can be separated if required.