Remove wheel cover (1) together with chain guard (2).

Remove fastener (6) and remove ABS sensor (5) from its holder.

Press the brake calliper against the brake disc in order to force the pistons back.
Loosen chain tensioning screws (4) on left and right sides.
Unscrew quick-release axle nut (3).
Remove chain from chainwheel.
Remove quick-release axle.
Caution! Do not operate the brake pedal when the wheel is removed.
Pull the wheel to the rear to remove.
Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure: pay particular attention to the following.
Clean the quick-release axle and the contact face of the shaft sealing ring and grease them with Optimoly TA.
Adjust chain tension. See Group 00.
Check the speed/ABS sensor gap and adjust if necessary. See Group 34.
Tightening torques:
- Quick-release axle: 100 Nm
- Wheel cover bracket to swinging arm: 9 Nm
- ABS sensor to holder: 9 Nm