Drain the brake system.
Caution! Do not allow brake fluid to come into contact with painted parts of the motorcycle as brake fluid destroys paint.
Remove throttle twistgrip cover.
Remove the lower section of the brake lever fitting.
Remove pivot screw (1) for lever.
Remove rubber boot (2).
Caution! Note that brake piston (3) is spring-loaded.
Carefully press back brake piston (3) and remove retaining ring (4).
Remove brake piston (3) with spring (5).
Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure: pay particular attention to the following.
Prior to installation, coat the piston and the boots (6) with brake fluid.
Caution! Sealing lips of the boots (6) toward the pressure chamber.
Prior to installation, carefully press back the brake piston using an Allen key with T-bar handle, for example.
Use cranked-tip snap-ring pliers to install the retaining ring.
Apply a light coat of Optimoly MP 3 to the pressure pin (arrow) on the lever.
Caution! When installing the brake lever, make sure that the metal tab on the brake-light switch is correctly positioned (otherwise switch will not work).
Fill and bleed the brake system.
Check operating clearance and adjust if necessary. See 32.9.
Tightening torque:
- Pivot screw, handlebar lever (1) — 11 Nm
(Tuflok Blue thread-locking compound; screw can be released and tightened a number of times)