Note: The primary and secondary throttle position sensors are different and must never be transposed. For ease of identification, the primary throttle position sensor has a shorter connector cable than the secondary.
1. Remove the rider's seat.
2. Disconnect the battery, negative (black) lead first.
3. Remove the throttle bodies as described on page 11.122.
4. Remove the Torx screw securing the secondary throttle position sensor to the throttle body.
Secondary throttle position sensor
5. Turn the sensor clockwise and detach it from the throttle body by gently pulling outwards.
1. Lubricate the sensor O-ring with a smear of petroleum jelly.
2. Manually push the second throttle to the fully open position.
3. With the second Ihrotlie still held in the fulty open position, insert the sensor to the throttle body at the angle shewn below then turn it clockwise until the screw hole aligns with the thread in the throttle body.
1. Sensor insertion position (dotted line); 2. Sensor initial fitted position (solid line)
4. Insert the Torx screw but do not fully tighten yet.
5. Release the second throttle.
6, Refit the throttle bodies as described on page 11.123.
7. Temporarily reconned the battery, positive (red) lead first.
8. Turn the ignition Io the ON position, which will close the second throttle.
Note: To ensure the second throttle is totally closed, have an assistant manually press the butterfly closed.
9. Connect the diagnostic tool and scroll through to the CHECK/ADJUST menu, select CHECK then select the READ SENSORS followed by the VOLTAGES and SENSORS option.
10. Scroll through the data unlit the second throttle position sensor voltage is displayed.
11. Gently rotate the new throttle position sensor until the voltage reading on the tool shows 0,6 volts±0.02 volts.
12. Tighten the sensor retaining screw to 3.5 Nm and recheck the voltage reading shown on the tool. Repeat the adjustment if the reading is outside the specified range.
13. Disconnect the diagnostic tool.
14. Disconnecl the battery, negative (black) lead first.
15. Check that the ihrottie opens and closes without obstruction/sticking and rias a smooth action throughout the full range of its movement. Rectify as necessary.
Warning! Operation of rhe motorcycle with an incorrectly adjusted Ihrottie position sensor, or a throttle position sensor that causes the throttle to stick could result in loss ol throttle control. Loss of throttie control could result in loss of control at the motorcycle and an accident.
Warning! Operation of the motorcycle with an incorrectly adjusted, incorrectly routed or damaged throttle cable could interfere with ihe operation of the brakes, clutch or the throttie itself. Any of these conditions could result in lass of control of the motorcycle and an accidenl.
Warning! Move the handlebars to left and right full lock while checking that cables and harnesses do not bind. A cable or harness that binds will restrict the steering and may cause loss of control and an accident.
16, Support the tank, remove and slow the tank prop, then lower the tank to the frame and secure it as described on page 11.99.
17. Refit Ihe intake cover as described on page 11.99.
18. Reconnect the battery, positive (red) lead first.
19. Refit the rider's seat.